Archive for février 2024

Who are the Israelites ?

février 27, 2024

As our quest for our true identity is spiking with resurgence, many people are tending to find a refuge in the unity of those having the same color as themselves. We are seeing very profound development of pan-blackism, pan-whitism, pan-yellowism, pan-redism. And as those « pan- » are developing, we can also witness that the pan-blacks are fighting the pan- whites, or the pan-yellows are fighting the pan-reds and so forth. We are in the time of the end of the end times, times which are marked with blatant confrontations between the lion, the bear, the leopard for the domination in the fourth kingdom. And for example, in Africa, I have witnessed a profound accentuation of the pan-africanblackism spirit fueled by a profound hatred for the whites, the yellows, the reds, and so forth. But I understand through the studies of Bible prophecy that that pan-africanblackism spirit is not genuine and is working through an antichrist spirit. After studying the Holy Scriptures and mankind history, all I can cling to is not the pan-africanblackism but the pan-israelism of YHWH. We all better have to cling to the Israel of YHWH because it is written that « I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there. And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himself shall establish her. The Lord shall count, when he writeth up the people, that this man was born there. » From Zion, all nations were born. After, deep reflections on nations of the world, I have started to believe that the main reason the historical great library of Alexandria in Egypt was destroyed, is to erase the identity of the twelve tribes and to bring in a new identity more suited for the fourth kingdom. The only main reason important books of a whole library are destroyed or censored is to erase the old worldview and to bring in a new mindset, a new worldview. For example, in order to bring forth the fourth kingdom, the identity of the Israelites has to be erased and a new identity has been raised to promote those claiming that they are from Judah but who are from the synagogue of the devil. We can see that all the good books of the old order are either being removed from libraries, or either being modified to suit more the narrative of the fourth kingdom. For example, our Bibles have been modified by the wicked ones to suit more the narrative of the beast. You can see that there is a big difference between the Septuagint and modern translations of the Old Testament. In one of the Apocrypha, we can find that Sarah was white as snow. That mention suggests that maybe Abraham the aramean was brownish or black. We also know that Sarah is the sister of Abraham. Therefore, it will not be wrong to say that the twelve tribes were very heterogeneous in their physical characteristics and their genetic pool was very rich in varieties. Somehow, it will not be wrong to state for example that « maybe » Ruben was like a Japanese or Aser was like a Mongol or Dan was like a Caucasian white man or Nephtali was like a Chinese or Judah was like a black man or Gad was like an american indian man …… . I am praying for researchers to find an old book containing all the true details concerning those twelve tribes of Israel. Now that being said, we see more how the panaisraelism of YHWH is more important to believers in Jesus-Christ that their pan-colorism. The spiking resurgence of our true identity quest should be focused on the pan-israelism of YHWH. Therefore, who are the Israelites ? As there has been a mixing of Israelites and non Israelites, the only thing we can comprehend is that true Israelites find their true identity in Jesus-Christ, their Messiah. All true Israelites, somehow are prone to believe that Jesus-Christ is the Messiah promised to the Hebrews. It is like YHWH has written in their hidden consciousness that as soon as they hear the gospel of the kingdom of YHWH, the gospel of the finished work of Jesus-Christ of Nazareth, they will respond positively to the message. Therefore, from all four corners of the earth, as the coming of the King of kings, Jesus-Christ is approaching, let us all cling to the pan-israelism of YHWH, through the revelation of the Israel of YHWH. « For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. » « For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. » « And so all [pan] Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. »

Maranatha !!! Come Lord Jesus-Christ, Messiah of Pan-Israel of YHWH !!!!

We all have to be good enough !!

février 27, 2024

From my experience as a believer in Jesus-Christ, I have seen all kind of pharisaic activities in churches. For example, I have seen some people claiming aloud their humbleness, being very arrogant towards those they consider arrogant. I have seen people claiming aloud their generosity, being very stingy towards those they consider not generous. I have seen people claiming aloud their patience, being very impatient towards those they consider impatient. I have seen people claiming aloud their great love, being very unloving with those they consider unloving. I have seen people claiming aloud their goodness, being wicked towards those they consider as wicked people. I have seen people claiming to possess the fruit of the Spirit, lacking the fruit of the Spirit towards those who they consider as lacking the fruit of the Spirit. I have seen many people proclaiming their self righteousness by their good works, being very unrighteous towards those who they consider as unrighteous. I have read in the Bible how Judas Iscariot was showing a lot of compassion for the poor but was not enough compassionate for his master Jesus when he sold him for thirty pieces of silver and betray him with a kiss. I have witnessed religious people proclaiming their self perfection through all their good deeds but they demonstrate sometimes great imperfections in their deeds towards people they consider as being imperfect. We can continue in a long enumeration but we will stop here. Therefore beware of those self righteous people proclaiming that they are good enough through the good deeds they do. As believers of Jesus-Christ, we reject all kinds of self righteousness and we cling mightily to the only imputed righteousness we receive from the finished work of Jesus-Christ on calvary. It is all we can do to be more righteous. And more we cling to that imputed righteousness on the cross and more we become righteous before YHWH and we will be performing predestined good deeds prepared for us from the beginning of the world by YHWH. Our only strength for our justification as believers in Jesus-Christ, is anchored in the finished work of Jesus-Christ on calvary with his resurrection because even our good deeds are prepared, predestined by YHWH. Therefore, we will not count on the good deeds prepared by YHWH himself, to proclaim some kind of self righteousness like the religious pharisees. All we can do is to believe firmly and constantly in the finished work of our Savior Jesus-Christ on the cross of calvary. By constantly believing firmly and relying on the finished work of Jesus-Christ on the cross, we can be focused on the good deeds prepared, predestined by YHWH, and we will be more righteous. Thus, we all have to be good enough not through the goodness of our good deeds but primary through the constant and everlasting belief in the finished work of Jesus-Christ on the cross. The first thing to do is to believe, not to perform some kind of ritual or religious deed. And believing is mainly spiritual. That is the reason, the ministry of reconciliation of Jesus-Christ is also called the ministry of the Spirit for those who are born of the Spirit by believing firmly in the finished work of Jesus-Christ. And those who are walking in the flesh in the ministry of condamnation, the ministry of death by giving power to the law, are prone to persecute those who are walking in the Spirit through the ministry of reconciliation, the ministry of the Spirit because the deeds of the flesh are opposed to the deeds of the Spirit. We witnessed that simply fact in the Bible as in the New Testament, the ones who were religiously self righteous and proclaimed aloud their self humility, their self goodness, their self compassion, their self kindness, their self love, their self patience….. , crucified and killed the Incarnation of Humility, Goodness, Compassion, Kindness, Love, Patience, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control, Peace, Joy, for not being enough humble, enough good, enough compassionate, enough kind, enough loving, enough patient, enough faithful, enough gentle, enough peaceful, enough joyful, enough….. . And that horror happened so that all people who cling to the ministry of the Spirit, might be made good enough, humble enough, kind enough, loving enough, patient enough …. by believing and holding firmly to the imputed justification obtained by the believer in the finished and sufficient work of the Incarnation of YHWH on the cross, with his resurrection and his ascension. Let us, therefore cling to the ministry of the Spirit initiated two thousands ago by Jesus, the Messiah of Israel, through the shedding of his blood on calvary, his resurrection, his ascension!! And when this is understood in the church, we can live in the righteousness imputed on us on the cross and the pharisaic attitude of clinging to the ministry of condemnation, the ministry of death will disappear among us. The self righteousness will disappear and believers will be clinging to the ministry of reconciliation, to the ministry of the Spirit by loving washing constantly their robes in the blood of the Lamb and by loving performing the good deeds prepared, predestined, arranged by YHWH himself before the creation of this cosmos.

Maranatha !!!! Come Lord Jesus-Christ of Nazareth !!!!

La recherche scientifique

février 18, 2024

Il me semble, je ne suis pas encore très très bien sûr que j’ai trouvé ce que Euler cherchais depuis longtemps. Je fus ravis en esprit lorsque YHWH me fit voir quelque chose de très intéressant. Que toute la gloire, l’honneur reviennent à YHWH car Il ne fait rien sans montrer ses secrets à ses serviteurs les prophètes. Je disais à ma mère récemment que je suis un voyant, mais elle ne comprenait pas ce que je lui disais. Le voyant a une perception différente qui va au delà de ce que l’homme normale perçoit. C’est pourquoi un jour ma recherche sur les nombres a profondément évolué lorsque YHWH me fit voir quelque chose de profond. Je pris des enfants du primaire, et je leur ai dit de me faire des calculs sur un tableau noir, d’inventer leurs propres mathématiques. Et ils ont commencé à écrire de ces choses dont je n’aurai jamais cru pouvoir imaginer. A partir de ce que ces enfants ont écrit, j’ai commencé à avoir des idées géniales non pas parce que je suis intelligent mais parce que j’ai commencé à regarder là où personne auparavant n’a fouillé. Comme un trésor enfoui trouvé par hasard par celui qui recherche, ainsi doit être la recherche scientifique. Ce n’est pas parce qu’on est plus intelligent que l’on trouve un trésor. Souvent, on trouve les trésors lorsque l’on est perspicace en cherchant là où personne n’a fouillé ou bien par la grâce de YHWH on peut juste trouver de grosses amas d’or dans les mêmes endroits où beaucoup ont fouillé mais n’ont rien trouvé. Ainsi, je crois que le problème avec la recherche scientifique aujourd’hui c’est qu’elle est simplement trop dirigée. Il y a des choses complexes en mathématiques apprises à l’école que je ne comprend pas aujourd’hui mais cela ne veut pas dire que je ne peux pas inventer mes propres mathématiques. Il semble aujourd’hui que si on ne comprend pas la complexité des mathématiques de Gauss, d’Euler, de Chebyshev, de Popov ….. . on ne peut pas faire grand chose en maths. Pourtant, YHWH m’a fait montrer que le cours des mathématiques aurait été différent si Euler avait trouvé ce qu’il cherchait. Juste avec des mathématiques de la classe de seconde scientifique, on peut découvrir des choses invraisemblables que ceux qui sont à l’université cherchent désespéramment. Ceci dit, je ne condamne pas ceux qui sont orientés dans la recherche scientifique d’aujourd’hui à suivre le pas des problèmes complexes mathématiques des grands savants de notre temps. Ce que je veux dire c’est qu’en étant exclusivement orienté par les mathématiques de quelqu’un d’autre, on perd souvent en originalité et en innovation. C’est pourquoi une application de tout ce que je veux dire ici par exemple, est de prendre des jeunes qui ont la tête sur leurs épaules et qui ont leur bac scientifique et de leur demander d’inventer leur propre mathématique ou de résoudre certains problèmes difficiles en maths, et ils reviendront avec des choses incroyables, des découvertes énormes dont personne n’aurait pu imaginer, trouver. Ceci dit, aujourd’hui nous sommes dans le ministère de la condamnation, le ministère de la mort où tous ceux qui ne comprennent pas les questions de Landau ou de Pascal ou de Leibnitz sont classés comme incompétents, inadaptés à la recherche scientifique. Mais si nous nous réfugions dans le ministère de la réconciliation, dans le ministère de l’esprit, il y a des opportunités énormes qui s’offrent à nous. Car le ministère de l’esprit est plus glorieux que le ministère de la condamnation, le ministère de la mort.

Maranatha !!!!!! Viens Seigneur Jésus-Christ de Nazareth !!!!!

How to be good enough ?

février 14, 2024

From my own experience in life, nearly everybody I encounter in my daily activities claims that he is a good person. Usually people claim that they are good people, at the same time they don’t consider their fellow brothers or sisters as being good enough. In my life, I barely encounter people who don’t want to do good or to be good. Most people tend to do what they think is right and good to do. We are not talking about those people who knowingly call good evil and evil good. We are talking about sane people who have the ability to discern good and evil. Even the devil, psychopaths and their minions think that they are good people and that others are not good enough and all they do is to prove that other people are not good enough so that they can make them good people. In my own sight, I can consider some people not good enough or good enough like others people have the liberty to consider me not good enough or good enough. And also, it is not my business to spend my time proving other people are not good enough. However, if somebody that I consider good enough or not good enough, do something wrong, I do not hesitate to tell him straight privately that his deeds are wrong. I will never go messing things around people just to prove that they are not good enough because I have realized that even good enough people can sometimes go berserk. I have noticed that if I want to judge the goodness of people through the scrutinous daily examination of all their deeds and thoughts, I will be unable to judge. So, how do I know that someone is good enough ? First of all, we are talking about religious, ethical and moral goodness. As we are talking about religious things, let us go to the religious book. The religious book which I use to judge myself and people is the Holy Bible. And we will expose the truth through the systematic conclusion of what the Bible says on how to discern that someone is good enough without citing all verses in the Bible. The Bible states that « for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of YHWH ». That means that every person (except Jesus-Christ) which is born or was born on this earth is not good enough and he has to be made good enough. How then people are made good enough ? Only YHWH can make people good enough. And the Holy Scriptures state that « For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. » We are saved means being made good enough by God Himself. YHWH makes us good enough by grace through faith, and it is not ourselves who made ourselves good enough through all the good works we do. It is not your parents or the clergy response team or some guru in the forest who will declare that you are good enough. Even if I believe you are good enough through what you tell me that you believe, I can be wrong on my judgment because I am just a mortal man who can be lied to. We are made good enough by YHWH by believing that Jesus-Christ is the only begotten Son of YHWH, that He came to die on the cross, He was buried, YHWH resurrected Him on the third day after His death, and that He ascended back to Heaven sitting at the right side of YHWH. Now, if someone tells me that he believes in that statement of faith, I believe in his confession that he is good enough. I have to believe what he is saying. If there is a harmatiologic issue with the person, I tell him straight privately that he has to deal with the issue as soon as possible. I will not force him though, I will be praying for him that YHWH might work on him because as he is a tree of YHWH, YHWH is all powerful to make all His trees grow and bear fruits. It is not up to others trees to make others grow, it is up to the owner of the trees. If the owner wants to cut the tree, it is up to him. Now that being said, it is also written that we will know those who are good enough by their fruits. For example, I have personally encountered fake voodoo pastors performing all kind of signs and wonders and claiming to be God’s ministers but are not. You can discern those people easily, they tend mainly to lust for power and money, you can even hear their lust for power and money in their preaching. They are masters in abusing, manipulating ignorant people who know not their Bibles. I have studied those cults and I have learned a lot about how they operate to deceive weak people. Those kinds of people have never believed in Jesus-Christ and they even know themselves that they are misleading people. Therefore, YHWH has made good enough people who believe that Jesus-Christ is the only begotten Son of YHWH, that was crucified, he was buried, he resurrected on the third day, he ascended to heaven sitting at the right of YHWH. If someone around me has that faith, I consider him as good enough. If someone has not that faith, I consider him as not good enough. The most ultimate, sufficient and greatest good a person needs to do to be declared good enough by YHWH is to believe that Jesus-Christ is YHWH and to believe in his work i.e. his death, resurrection, his ascension. The most abominable deed, the most wicked deed, the most of the most abominations that can be done, is to reject knowingly, consciously the belief that Jesus-Christ is the only begotten Son of YHWH and to reject his finished work on calvary with his resurrection. And as soon as you believe then you are good enough, and you will start to proclaim that from the top of hills that you have been made good enough on the cross through the finished work of Jesus-Christ. YHWH has made us saint enough, righteous enough, generous enough, kind enough, blessed enough, forgiven enough, loved enough, sane enough, humble enough, saved enough, justified enough, patient enough, ……. enough on the cross of calvary. Therefore as people made good enough by YHWH, we tend to consider our fellow believers in Jesus-Christ as good enough not because of all the good deeds they have done and are still doing, but because YHWH Himself declared them good enough by grace through faith. Do you want to be good enough ? Believe in the gospel of Jesus-Christ !!!!!

Maranatha !!!! Come Lord Jesus-Christ of Nazareth !!!!

The sacrifice of the Lamb of YHWH

février 13, 2024

Through my recent readings of the books of Moses in the Old Testament, I have found something profound about the sacrifice of the Lamb of YHWH. There is a great parallel between the Old and the New Testaments concerning the offering of sacrifices. In the Old Testament, it is the priests who slaughter the lamb to be sacrificed on the altar. In the same manner, in the New Testament, the Sanhedrin decided that the Lamb of YHWH should be killed on the cross not knowing that they are fulfilling prophecy. Even the High Priest Caiaphas prophesied that the « sacrifice » has to happen for the sake of the nation. As in the Old Testament, the Lamb of YHWH who takes the sin of the world has to be offered on the altar by the priests. We can also note that the Old Testament ended with the slaughter of two mighty prophets John the Baptist and Jesus-Christ. Those two great prophets symbolise in a typologic manner, Elijah and Moses. John the Baptist was the Elias that should come and Jesus-Christ was the Messiah prophesied by Moses that will be like Moses and that will be superior to Moses. And in the same manner, at the end of the New Testament, we will see in Revelation 11, Elijah and Moses prophesying for 1260 days. And as in the Old Testament, the clergymen will deliver them to the beast and the beast will kill them in the city called spiritually Sodom and Egypt. And YHWH will resurrect them three days latter. In the New Testament, it will not be a sacrifice, but it will remind the Israelites that the ministry of condamnation, ministry of death is over and it has been replaced 2000 years ago by the ministry of reconciliation, the ministry of the spirit, the ministry of Jesus-Christ who is YHWH.

Maranatha !!!! Come Lord Jesus-Christ of Nazareth !!!!


février 13, 2024

The best prayers are those that come from the meditation of the word of YHWH. When you are meditating and the Holy Spirit shows you something profound, you are filled with an ecstatic joy that make you utter things you ask yourself where are they coming from. As we are surveilled 24h over 24 by the beast, don’t utter aloud those words, keep them secret between you and YHWH. Those kinds of prayers concern mainly the coming of the Kingdom of YHWH.

Maranatha !!!! Come Lord Jesus-Christ of Nazareth !!!!

The clergy response tactics

février 13, 2024

I have been greatly abused by the clergy response team. And I understood how they work. I will not detail all their abuses here but I will just point out the main one. The main one is to control someone else spirituality. It is all about control. For example, I have noticed that when people mourn, they tell them not to mourn, they should stop mourning and be joyful. And when people rejoices, they tell them not to rejoice because they convince them that they are in a state that needed not rejoicing. The clergy response tactics are all about controlling people spirituality, emotions. It is just about total control of targeted people. As the time will come when they put those they cannot control in concentration camps, they will use the same tactics in those camps. We are here as clergymen in this camp to help you, will they say but instead they are working for the beast. And when in those camps, you will remember and mourn in your head over the verses from Revelation 6.9-11, they will tell you, you should not mourn, all will be well soon. And when in those camps, you will remember the verses in the beatitudes and you will start rejoicing over those verses of Matthew 5.10-12, the clergymen will tell you that you should not rejoice because your presence in the concentration camp shows that you are guilty. It is all about control. That pharisaic hegemony is all about control of people to subject them to the beast. And as a pastor, I have understood that, and I started to apply the words in Romans 12.15 : « Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. » As a pastor, I will rejoice with you, when you will be rejoicing and I will weep with you when you will be weeping. That is the reason, our Lord Jesus-Christ taught us the beatitudes: « Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. »

Maranatha !!!! Come Lord Jesus-Christ of Nazareth !!!! 

What is the name of the Creator of Heavens and Earth ?

février 10, 2024

In this world we are living in, in most of countries that have religious freedom rights, everybody is free to worship his god or his God or anything that he wants. Polytheists claim that they worship all kind of gods and their numbers can attain thousands even millions. But monotheists claim that they believe in only one supreme spiritual entity. The main monotheists religions are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. In those three religions, believers claim that the supreme spiritual entity is supreme, transcendent, almighty, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent and that supreme spiritual entity is the creator of the world and is above all his creation. Now the problem, we have in those three religions is that the description of that supreme spiritual entity is different in those three religions but at the same time, most of people in those religions believe that it is the same supreme spiritual entity that has all those contradictions in the various descriptions of the supreme spiritual entity that they believe in. For example, the name of the God of believers in Jesus-Christ is the Tetragrammaton YHWH. For Christians, Jesus-Christ is the only begotten Son of YHWH. From that Tetragrammaton, we have the derivatives YAH, YAHWEY, YEHOWAH….. . For Moslems, the name of their supreme spiritual entity is ALLAH who does not have a son. For Jews, the name of their supreme spiritual entity is YHWH but Jesus-Christ is not his son. As we look at those descriptions, we understand that they all contradict one another. Therefore, something is fishy, someone is not right in his description of the supreme spiritual entity. As in the physical realm, we call people by their name and their descriptions, it is the same thing in the spiritual realm. If you call upon a spiritual entity by his name YHWH, it is that spiritual entity named YHWH that will show up. If you call upon a spiritual entity by his name ALLAH, it is that spiritual entity named ALLAH who will respond. That being said, we can say for sure that ALLAH and YHWH are not the same spiritual entity. We can add also one more thing that support that truth is that the two names are formed with different radical letters. Now we have the Christians and the Jews who have the same name YHWH. But we have also a problem with that name because the Christians believe that Jesus-Christ of Nazareth is the only begotten Son of YHWH and the Jews do not believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the only begotten Son of YHWH. Who is telling the truth about YHWH ? That is the main issue of the doctrinal debate between Christians and Jews. We remember from biblical writings that the Jews persecuted Christians 2000 years ago when the Sanhedrin after the death, the resurrection and the ascension of Jesus-Christ, called the group of believers of Jesus-Christ of that time, the « sect » of the Nazarenes. Since the first century, Jewry has been persecuting that « sect » of the Nazarenes but the group they call the « sect » is still here on earth with believers like me clinging marvelously to that powerful truth that is: Jesus-Christ is YHWH. And as we study end times prophecies of the Old Testament and the New Testament, we are seeing that the only thing that those who say are Jews but are of the synagogue of the devil hates is that truth Jesus-Christ is YHWH. Even today, modern Israel hates that truth that Jesus-Christ is YHWH and is the Messiah, the Christ. Modern Israel hates the truth and Jerusalem is becoming Sodome and Egypt. Modern Israel has made a covenant with a strange god, the god of forteresses which is not YHWH. And modern Israel is preparing itself for an order in Jerusalem, which only purpose will be to condemn and decapitate all believers in the powerful truth Jesus-Christ is YHWH. We have for example the Noahide Laws which condemn we believers of that truth (Jesus-Christ is YHWH ) as idolaters who must be decapitated. And we are seeing nowadays that we are really at the end of the end times prophesied by our Lord and Savior Jesus-Christ of Nazareth who is YHWH. We are glad with assurance to continue clinging to these powerful statements of the Apostle John: « Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. « Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. » « For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God? » « For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. »

True believers in Jesus-Christ cherish profoundly those biblical verses of John the Apostle. Those verses are very clear to everybody to understand and they are words of truth, and life showing the path. Therefore, the Creator of the cosmos’ name is YHWH. YHWH is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal, transcendent, all knowing, almighty…. . But it is not sufficient to just believe that YHWH is the name of the Creator of Heavens and Earth. That statement is just a partial revelation. The complete revelation is that Jesus-Christ of Nazareth is the son of YHWH and He is YHWH. Believe and you will be part of the celestial Jerusalem !!!!

Maranatha !!!!! Come Lord Jesus-Christ of Nazareth !!!!

Le pouvoir exécutif dans la famille

février 8, 2024

Nous remarquons que dans beaucoup de familles de croyants en Jésus-Christ, il y a souvent une lutte de pouvoir entre l’homme et la femme pour se saisir du pouvoir exécutif de la famille. Mais cela ne doit pas avoir lieu. C’est très simple, il suffit juste de se mettre d’accord dans le couple. C’est juste un problème d’ignorance, de manque d’éducation du mari et de la femme. Qui a le dernier mot concernant les décisions ? En effet, si l’homme et la femme se mettent d’accord pour que l’homme détienne le pouvoir exécutif ou bien que la femme détienne le pouvoir exécutif, de toute façon l’autre partenaire qui ne détient pas ce pouvoir exécutif devra contrebalancer le pouvoir exécutif par ses conseils, son opinion dans les décisions et toute la famille se soumet aux décisions de celui qui a le pouvoir exécutif. Et lorsque le chef de l’exécutif prend des décisions qui aboutissent à l’échec, il doit avoir l’autre partenaire qui contrebalance par ses conseils. Cette contrebalance doit se faire en jaugeant les pour ou contre, les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque type de décision cruciale proposée ou suggérée. Toutefois, la décision finale incombe au chef de l’exécutif qui doit être rappelé à l’ordre à chaque fois qu’il prend de mauvaises décisions par l’autre partenaire. Ainsi pour les croyants en Jésus-Christ, l’apôtre Paul nous exhorte que ce soit mieux que le pouvoir exécutif soit détenu par l’homme et non la femme à cause de ce qui s’est passé dans le jardin d’Eden. L’apôtre Paul nous rappelle que Jésus-Christ (la Parole) est le chef de l’homme et l’homme est le chef de la femme. Cet ordre doit être naturel dans la famille car la malédiction du jardin d’Eden concernant la femme n’a pas été supprimée, les désirs de la femme se porteront vers son mari mais le mari dominera la femme. Nous avons par suite un ordre tout simple, Christ(la Parole) étant le chef de l’homme, l’homme croyant en Christ est assujetti à la Parole provenant de YHWH et la femme est assujetti à la parole de son mari. Nous remarquons que cela a été le problème dans le jardin d’Eden. Qu’est ce qui s’est passé dans le jardin d’Eden ? Dans le jardin d’Eden, Adam a laissé le pouvoir exécutif à la femme. La femme a commencé à s’occuper de la direction concernant la Parole de YHWH. Elle a commencé à avoir la communion avec le serpent concernant la Parole de YHWH. Or, elle doit au contraire avoir la communion avec son mari concernant la Parole de YHWH. Et Eve a eu la communion avec le serpent en discutant profondément avec le serpent sur la Parole de Dieu. Elle fut convaincue par le serpent après une longue discussion profonde avec le serpent concernant la Parole de Dieu. Et elle succomba aux charmes et ruses du serpent en communiant (écouter quelqu’un, entendre quelqu’un, discuter avec quelqu’un, se laisser convaincre par quelqu’un par ses paroles) avec le serpent. La communion d’Eve avec le serpent autour de la Parole de YHWH signifie que Eve a de facto eu le pouvoir exécutif de la parole et Adam n’a fait qu’accepter la décision d’Eve. Et nous avons vu la conséquence aujourd’hui. C’est pourquoi, mon conseil personnel à toutes les femmes en Christ est qu’il est préférable qu’elles aient uniquement une communion profonde avec leur mari sur la Parole de YHWH qu’avec une autre personne quelque quelle soit même si c’est un pasteur ou érudit religieux. Toute communion profonde avec une autre personne autre que le mari sur la Parole de YHWH amène à coup sûre au désastre dans la famille. Le mari est le premier pasteur spirituel de la femme en Christ et le premier pasteur irrévocable du mari est Jésus-Christ(la Parole de YHWH). Toute autre communion spirituelle autour de la Parole de YHWH avec une autre personne différente du mari en Christ est une communion avec le serpent. Dans le cas où le mari n’est pas croyant en Christ, la parole prêchée à la congrégation locale fréquentée par la femme suffit largement. Dans ces derniers temps, les problèmes que rencontrent souvent beaucoup de couples chrétiens est qu’ils veulent rejeter l’ordre établi par YHWH depuis le jardin d’Eden et la plupart des femmes passe leur temps à communier spirituellement avec le serpent sur la Parole de YHWH. Eve a passé du temps à discuter, à communier avec le serpent pour que le serpent lui explique plus en profondeur le commandement de YHWH. Cette communion spirituelle consiste à passer du temps à discuter de la parole de YHWH et à se nourrir d’interprétations étranges des Écritures. Les femmes doivent savoir que ce n’est pas quelqu’un d’autre autre que leur mari qui doit leur expliquer la Parole de YHWH. Si le mari n’est pas croyant, la doctrine de la congrégation locale suffit comme nourriture spirituelle.

Dans ces derniers temps, comme l’entropie augmente et que les problèmes se multiplient autour de nous, et à cause de la famine de la Parole de YHWH qui sévit dans le monde, les femmes courent çà et là cherchant une communion spirituelle concernant la Parole de YHWH. Et généralement, comme étant faibles, elles sont abusées dans des communions spirituelles avec des serpents qui semblent montrer de l’autorité concernant la Parole de YHWH. Et comme les femmes préfèrent ceux qui semblent autoritaire par leur voix grave de loup à leurs maris qui sont doux comme des agneaux, beaucoup de familles sont détruites juste à cause de la communion spirituelle que les femmes ont avec les serpents concernant la Parole de YHWH. Même dans le livre des Juges, on comprend que Déborah trouve étrange sa collaboration avec Barak. Barak est un type d’Adam qui a hérité sa faiblesse. De même Samson, le fort est un homme très doux qui a laissé intentionnellement Délila communier avec le serpent. Samson ressemble en quelque sorte à son énigme, …. du fort est sorti le doux.

J’exhorte tous les hommes à être des hommes faits, à ne pas refaire l’erreur d’Adam leur ancêtre et à prendre possession du pouvoir exécutif dans leur famille. Et lorsque dans toutes les familles de la nation, il y a des luttes de pouvoir entre homme et femme pour se saisir du pouvoir exécutif de la famille, il y a de facto des luttes de pouvoir au sein de l’exécutif de la nation. L’état du leadership dans nos familles se reflète au sommet du pouvoir exécutif de nos nations. Car c’est l’homme qui possède naturellement plus cet instinct de survie pour défendre son espèce, sa race. En ces derniers temps, la bête étant conscient de cela fait tout pour annihiler cet instinct de survie que YHWH a doté à tous les hommes faits. Depuis les années 60, avec cet histoire « d’émancipation de la femme », (comme si les hommes faits ne désirent pas que leurs femmes soient prospères), la bête a progressivement renversé l’ordre naturel établi par YHWH. Et cet ordre n’a rien de péjoratif, c’est un ordre fonctionnel, organisationnel. Et lorsque l’ordre fonctionnel, organisationnel est chamboulé dans les cellules nucléiques (familles) de la nation, toute la nation est chamboulée du point de vue fonctionnel et organisationnel.

Maranatha !!!!! Viens Seigneur Jésus !!!!!!

Astonishing Predictions from Dr Richard Day 1969

février 8, 2024